75 days of consistency with 75Hard

Consistency is key. I think a lot of times when people start something new…whether its working on your health, starting a side hustle to make extra money, keeping up with your household chores/projects….we start off strong and then somewhere a long the way we get off track.   Anyone relate? It happens to us all![…]

How to Make Daily Exercise a Habit

Everyone can benefit from daily exercise. Any new habit may have challenging beginnings, but in time, nearly anything can become habitual. In this case, we’re talking about a habit that has incredible benefits, so let’s see what you can do to get exercising every day! Six Ways to help make exercise a habit Plan it. […]

Muscle Burns Fat #mbf

After trying the sample workout this morning….I am SO excited for the launch of our newest program – #mbf- Muscle Burns Fat! And the most exciting part… it’s really two programs in one – #mbfa (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is designed to be completed right after! I cannot wait for 6 full weeks of new[…]

Barre Blend…My Journey

Barre Blend, it’s a journey…not a destination! Ok…so ya, I’m sharing another before and after.  I know the questions, snarky remarks or better yet, those who think it and don’t say anything..but it might go something like this…”why isn’t she at her goal weight or body yet.”  “haven’t you been at this fitness thing for[…]

Top Tips Staying Motivated for your Home Workouts

Home workouts work for me…but can they work for you? The short answer is yes, but there are things that will help you stay motivated! You just finished a long day at work. It’s about 6 PM and now you get to sit in traffic for over an hour until you finally get home to[…]

Beachbody On Demand – the Netflix for Fitness

Who ever said that working out at home doesn’t work – they’re crazy or have never tried ours! This was me after my 25 min workout earlier this week!!! I’m here to tell you…When you put in the work…they definitely do! In all honestly though…I used to be a gym girl! I’d get ready to go[…]

Free Morning Meltdown 100 workout

Hey hey…happy that you stopped by and want to learn more about the 100 workout challenge I’m starting on Monday!!  I admit…at first I was hesitant to start because I was afraid the workout was gonna be too choreographed for my two left feet!  But after sampling a few of the workouts, I am completely[…]

2 Week Recap of my 80 Day Journey to Fit

Another week of my 80 Day journey is done! How can we already be in Week 3 of our 80 day journey to becoming a more fit, strong and healthy mom!  Over the last 2 years I’ve sort of been trying different things but not really being super consistent with anything.  If you read my[…]

Inspirational and Motivational Fitness Tanks

My new Inspirational Fitness Tank Shop is OPEN!!! Ok…if you’ve followed me for any period of time, you know that I’ve had a thing for fitness or workout tanks for awhile!  I mean when you workout every day…a girls gonna get quite a collection over time right! A couple years ago I was curious to[…]

Turkey Bacon, Spinach & Quinoa Egg Muffins

If you need a quick breakfast that is the perfect balance of protein, veggies and carbohydrate…then these Turkey Bacon, Quinoa, Spinach Egg muffins are a MUST add to your meal prep days! They are super easy to make and my youngest daughter enjoys helping me make these every week! Here’s the recipe! Turkey Bacon, Quinoa,[…]

Obsessed for 80 Days

HOLY COW…tomorrow is the big DAY!  We start our 80 day journey with 80 Day Obsession! I’m a little nervous because I’m part of a Coach Test Group for it HOWEVER I’m SUPER excited because my hubby and I are doing it together!  We haven’t done the same program in FOREVER!  I spent most of[…]

Grab a Partner & Get Healthy Together with Double Time!

How many times have you wished there was something that you and your kids could do together that would be fun, yet still be a great workout! Introducing Double Time! On October 31st, Double Time will be here! When I first heard about this program over the summer, I got goosebumps because I can remember[…]

Shift Shop Launch Test Group Registration is NOW Open!

There is just something great that happens when a new program is released. But this time its not just a new program, its a BRAND NEW Super Trainer named Chris Downing!  The program is Shift Shop and it will be released on July 12th!! Here’s a few of the details that I have on the[…]