Healthy Alternatives to Halloween Candy and Fun

Its almost Halloween I’ve always loved Halloween. I remember growing up my older sisters would come up with costume ideas for us.  I mean, when you grow up with six kids in your family, its not like you can run out to the local party store and buy 6 costumes…that would get downright expensive!  Back[…]

Benefits of Pumpkin and what else…Pumpkin donuts!!!

One of my absolute favorite things about Fall is pumpkins! Pumpkin patches, pumpkin painting and carving, pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, pumpkin decor…allll the things. And another awesome thing about pumpkins is all the health benefits. Did you know they are quite the powerhouse when it comes to nutrients?! Here’s what you find in pumpkin…Fiber: Great[…]

How to Make Daily Exercise a Habit

Everyone can benefit from daily exercise. Any new habit may have challenging beginnings, but in time, nearly anything can become habitual. In this case, we’re talking about a habit that has incredible benefits, so let’s see what you can do to get exercising every day! Six Ways to help make exercise a habit Plan it. […]

Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Why drink water? Water composes roughly 60% of the human body. The brain and heart are over 70% water. Even the bones are over 30% water. Water is also used in the digestion of food and in numerous chemical reactions that take place in the body. Under normal circumstances, you can only last a few[…]

Tips to Boost your Immune System

Give your Immune System a Boost You might be sabotaging your immune system without even know it.   While the Coronavirus might not cause death for the average American as it is mainly impacting people with compromised immune systems, I think its important to share tips on how you can boost your immune system. To keep[…]

Southwestern Veggie Tacos from the 21 Day Ultimate Reset

Southwestern Veggie Tacos are the bomb If I had to pick a favorite meal from this 21 day Reset and cleanse we are doing…this one might be my absolute favorite!  I mean, there are several that I enjoy, but this one is probably the easiest to prepare and is perfect for Taco Tuesday…or any day[…]

Barre Blend…My Journey

Barre Blend, it’s a journey…not a destination! Ok…so ya, I’m sharing another before and after.  I know the questions, snarky remarks or better yet, those who think it and don’t say anything..but it might go something like this…”why isn’t she at her goal weight or body yet.”  “haven’t you been at this fitness thing for[…]

I committed to what?

When you love your hubby, you’ll commit to something he wants to do! My hubby and I have been taking more walks together over the that couple weeks!! On our walk today, Jason started feeling lightheaded so I gave him some of my hydrate drink and we ended up turning around a little bit later.[…]

My 3 Day Cleanse Recap and Results

When your jeans don’t fit right, you need a 3 day cleanse! I’d spent all summer wearing yoga capris, baggy shorts, comfy tees…you get the idea! One day a couple weeks ago, I went to put on of my pairs of jeans and I’m like WOAH…I don’t remember them being this tight. Sure, I’d been[…]

Hearty Vegetarian Pumpkin Chili

With the weather cooling down (kinda)…I’m in desperate need of some new soup recipes!! I recently came across this recipe blog and can’t wait to try it this Fall season!  I mean…I love pumpkin so why not!! Total Time: 55 min. Prep Time: 15 min. Cooking Time: 40 min. Yield: 8 servings, about 1½ cups[…]

Avoiding Distractions when Working from Home

Working from home, whether you’re an entrepreneur or work for an employer, can be challenge.  I’m in the thick of Fall Break right now with both my girls home and I have found myself lacking focus, As a result, not getting any of my high priority tasks completed. This seems to happen during Christmas break[…]

Common Cold…4 Steps to Recovering from it!

The Common Cold is just that…common! On Wednesday evening it started…the itchiness of my throat.  I wanted to deny it but it was bound to happen since my oldest was just getting over a cold!  I immediately started taking zinc and Cold Eeze in hopes of shortening the duration of the common cold. And now…here[…]