30 day Miracle Morning Challenge

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I’ve been tracking some of my 2022 goals using these coloring pages.  This morning I finished book number 21 The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod. There are a number of books in this series and I’ve read a few of them[…]

Know Yourself – The first Step to being Authentic

It’s impossible to live an authentic life without first discovering who you are. Self-awareness is important and is the first step to being authentic. What is self-awareness? The dictionary defines self-awareness as “knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character.” When you’re self-aware, you have an accurate and clear understanding of your personality, strengths,[…]

9 Tips to Clear your Mind

Our bodies get rest every night, but our brains rarely do. We have thoughts bouncing around in our heads all day. At night we dream. Giving your brain a rest can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Its super important to take time to clear your mind each day. Unfortunately, the natural state[…]

Are you struggling with habit formation? Try exchanging one for another

Habits are pretty much the human version of automation. Creating a healthy habit takes time. If you do one thing often enough, your brain will take over and start producing the most efficient results with the least amount of effort from you. You don’t have to think about it or plan for it or convince[…]

Tips to Boost your Immune System

Give your Immune System a Boost You might be sabotaging your immune system without even know it.   While the Coronavirus might not cause death for the average American as it is mainly impacting people with compromised immune systems, I think its important to share tips on how you can boost your immune system. To keep[…]

Essentials for a Personal Transformation

Feeling stuck or frustrated with life? Might be time for a personal transformation. Lately, I’ve been having this feeling of being stuck in my health journey!  Which you may think is weird coming from someone who has been in the health and wellness space for over 10 years!  But the reality is, I haven’t made[…]