A Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss

The Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss Whether you’re at the point where you need to recover from long-term unhealthy eating habits or you just want to shed a few unwanted pounds, there’s always a healthy way to lose weight. Not all weight loss plans are created equal. With today’s technology, it’s super easy to[…]

75 days of consistency with 75Hard

Consistency is key. I think a lot of times when people start something new…whether its working on your health, starting a side hustle to make extra money, keeping up with your household chores/projects….we start off strong and then somewhere a long the way we get off track.   Anyone relate? It happens to us all![…]

Muscle Burns Fat #mbf

After trying the sample workout this morning….I am SO excited for the launch of our newest program – #mbf- Muscle Burns Fat! And the most exciting part… it’s really two programs in one – #mbfa (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is designed to be completed right after! I cannot wait for 6 full weeks of new[…]

Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Why drink water? Water composes roughly 60% of the human body. The brain and heart are over 70% water. Even the bones are over 30% water. Water is also used in the digestion of food and in numerous chemical reactions that take place in the body. Under normal circumstances, you can only last a few[…]

Tips to Boost your Immune System

Give your Immune System a Boost You might be sabotaging your immune system without even know it.   While the Coronavirus might not cause death for the average American as it is mainly impacting people with compromised immune systems, I think its important to share tips on how you can boost your immune system. To keep[…]

Southwestern Veggie Tacos from the 21 Day Ultimate Reset

Southwestern Veggie Tacos are the bomb If I had to pick a favorite meal from this 21 day Reset and cleanse we are doing…this one might be my absolute favorite!  I mean, there are several that I enjoy, but this one is probably the easiest to prepare and is perfect for Taco Tuesday…or any day[…]

Barre Blend…My Journey

Barre Blend, it’s a journey…not a destination! Ok…so ya, I’m sharing another before and after.  I know the questions, snarky remarks or better yet, those who think it and don’t say anything..but it might go something like this…”why isn’t she at her goal weight or body yet.”  “haven’t you been at this fitness thing for[…]

I committed to what?

When you love your hubby, you’ll commit to something he wants to do! My hubby and I have been taking more walks together over the that couple weeks!! On our walk today, Jason started feeling lightheaded so I gave him some of my hydrate drink and we ended up turning around a little bit later.[…]

Top Tips Staying Motivated for your Home Workouts

Home workouts work for me…but can they work for you? The short answer is yes, but there are things that will help you stay motivated! You just finished a long day at work. It’s about 6 PM and now you get to sit in traffic for over an hour until you finally get home to[…]

My 3 Day Cleanse Recap and Results

When your jeans don’t fit right, you need a 3 day cleanse! I’d spent all summer wearing yoga capris, baggy shorts, comfy tees…you get the idea! One day a couple weeks ago, I went to put on of my pairs of jeans and I’m like WOAH…I don’t remember them being this tight. Sure, I’d been[…]

My Magic Pixie Dust explained…

Alright…you’ve seen me talk about it on social media and may be wondering…what the heck is the “magic pixie dust” you always talk about!  Well I’m here to spill the beans on this awesome supplement I use every morning…sometimes a couple times a day depending on what I have going on and how much sleep[…]

Beachbody On Demand – the Netflix for Fitness

Who ever said that working out at home doesn’t work – they’re crazy or have never tried ours! This was me after my 25 min workout earlier this week!!! I’m here to tell you…When you put in the work…they definitely do! In all honestly though…I used to be a gym girl! I’d get ready to go[…]

Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

It seems like there are so many people trying to improve their health!  And it doesn’t even matter what time of year it is!  Sure the beginning of the year there’s always the influx of people but still.  When there’s a health crisis in our country its no wonder so many people are looking for[…]

Get Obsessed with the Today Show

Holy smokes…who would have thought the Today Show would be featuring the in home fitness program that I completed earlier this year called 80 Day Obsession? Here’s the thing…I want to help you get some amazing results this summer and this kind of opportunity does NOT come around very often.  In fact, in all the[…]