Beachbody is dropping the Beach and becoming BODi

Well, I guess it’s time to share some news. This past weekend I learned that the company I’ve been a loyal customer of since 2002 and partnered with for my online wellness business for 14 years, is re-branding.  In 2023, Beachbody is dropping the Beach in Beachbody and will becoming just BODi. The reason for[…]

A Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss

The Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss Whether you’re at the point where you need to recover from long-term unhealthy eating habits or you just want to shed a few unwanted pounds, there’s always a healthy way to lose weight. Not all weight loss plans are created equal. With today’s technology, it’s super easy to[…]

100 days left in 2022, the countdown is on

100 days until 2023 Well here we are…today starts the 100 days countdown to 2023. It’s a year that seemed so far off when I became a mom in 2005 and when my 1st daughter started kindergarten in 2010.  Now here we are at the countdown to when she graduates high school and goes off[…]

75 days of consistency with 75Hard

Consistency is key. I think a lot of times when people start something new…whether its working on your health, starting a side hustle to make extra money, keeping up with your household chores/projects….we start off strong and then somewhere a long the way we get off track.   Anyone relate? It happens to us all![…]

How to Make Daily Exercise a Habit

Everyone can benefit from daily exercise. Any new habit may have challenging beginnings, but in time, nearly anything can become habitual. In this case, we’re talking about a habit that has incredible benefits, so let’s see what you can do to get exercising every day! Six Ways to help make exercise a habit Plan it. […]

Muscle Burns Fat #mbf

After trying the sample workout this morning….I am SO excited for the launch of our newest program – #mbf- Muscle Burns Fat! And the most exciting part… it’s really two programs in one – #mbfa (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is designed to be completed right after! I cannot wait for 6 full weeks of new[…]

Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Why drink water? Water composes roughly 60% of the human body. The brain and heart are over 70% water. Even the bones are over 30% water. Water is also used in the digestion of food and in numerous chemical reactions that take place in the body. Under normal circumstances, you can only last a few[…]

Barre Blend…My Journey

Barre Blend, it’s a journey…not a destination! Ok…so ya, I’m sharing another before and after.  I know the questions, snarky remarks or better yet, those who think it and don’t say anything..but it might go something like this…”why isn’t she at her goal weight or body yet.”  “haven’t you been at this fitness thing for[…]

I committed to what?

When you love your hubby, you’ll commit to something he wants to do! My hubby and I have been taking more walks together over the that couple weeks!! On our walk today, Jason started feeling lightheaded so I gave him some of my hydrate drink and we ended up turning around a little bit later.[…]

Top Tips Staying Motivated for your Home Workouts

Home workouts work for me…but can they work for you? The short answer is yes, but there are things that will help you stay motivated! You just finished a long day at work. It’s about 6 PM and now you get to sit in traffic for over an hour until you finally get home to[…]

Increase your chances of success by up to 95%

Girl…I don’t know about you but it can be so easy to get off track with healthy habits and goals we want to achieve!  Having some accountability in your life will work wonders! So I need to ask you, are you struggling to stay motivated, follow through with your plans or commit to the things[…]

A humbling experience to start my 100 workouts journey

100 workouts…who does this Girl…it doesn’t matter if you’re starting your very first program or if you’re on your 50th…taking BEFORE pictures and measurements can be a very humbling experience!  But as someone who believes that I shouldn’t ask others to do what I’m not willing to do, here goes nothing!  My official Day 1[…]

Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

It seems like there are so many people trying to improve their health!  And it doesn’t even matter what time of year it is!  Sure the beginning of the year there’s always the influx of people but still.  When there’s a health crisis in our country its no wonder so many people are looking for[…]