Transition to Healthy Eating in 6 weeks

Are you someone who has no idea where to start when it comes to eating healthy? This 6 week transition to eating healthy will help. In some ways, changing your diet is similar to making a successful resolution in that it’s conceptual at first. Your long-range goal should just be to eat well. As your[…]

An Obsession that’s Healthy?

Unless we’ve just met, you probably know I’ve been a part of the Beachbody (soon to be known as BODi) community since 2002.  I can’t even begin to count the number of home workouts programs I’ve completed over the years. I haven’t been sharing publicly about any of the programs or my health/fitness journey lately because[…]

Beachbody is dropping the Beach and becoming BODi

Well, I guess it’s time to share some news. This past weekend I learned that the company I’ve been a loyal customer of since 2002 and partnered with for my online wellness business for 14 years, is re-branding.  In 2023, Beachbody is dropping the Beach in Beachbody and will becoming just BODi. The reason for[…]

Healthy Alternatives to Halloween Candy and Fun

Its almost Halloween I’ve always loved Halloween. I remember growing up my older sisters would come up with costume ideas for us.  I mean, when you grow up with six kids in your family, its not like you can run out to the local party store and buy 6 costumes…that would get downright expensive!  Back[…]

A Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss

The Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss Whether you’re at the point where you need to recover from long-term unhealthy eating habits or you just want to shed a few unwanted pounds, there’s always a healthy way to lose weight. Not all weight loss plans are created equal. With today’s technology, it’s super easy to[…]

9 Tips to Clear your Mind

Our bodies get rest every night, but our brains rarely do. We have thoughts bouncing around in our heads all day. At night we dream. Giving your brain a rest can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Its super important to take time to clear your mind each day. Unfortunately, the natural state[…]

Are you struggling with habit formation? Try exchanging one for another

Habits are pretty much the human version of automation. Creating a healthy habit takes time. If you do one thing often enough, your brain will take over and start producing the most efficient results with the least amount of effort from you. You don’t have to think about it or plan for it or convince[…]

100 days left in 2022, the countdown is on

100 days until 2023 Well here we are…today starts the 100 days countdown to 2023. It’s a year that seemed so far off when I became a mom in 2005 and when my 1st daughter started kindergarten in 2010.  Now here we are at the countdown to when she graduates high school and goes off[…]

75 days of consistency with 75Hard

Consistency is key. I think a lot of times when people start something new…whether its working on your health, starting a side hustle to make extra money, keeping up with your household chores/projects….we start off strong and then somewhere a long the way we get off track.   Anyone relate? It happens to us all![…]