I committed to what?

When you love your hubby, you’ll commit to something he wants to do!

My hubby and I have been taking more walks together over the that couple weeks!! On our walk today, Jason started feeling lightheaded so I gave him some of my hydrate drink and we ended up turning around a little bit later.

Over the past few months he’s been making comments about not feeling great, having trouble sleeping, lacking energy, not losing weight like he’d want to and really wanting to do this cleanse program called the Ultimate Reset…you can see a video about the program HERE.  We’ve done this program together several times over the years and honestly…I don’t LOVE it. Its a huge commitment!  But I do love the results you get from it…and so does he! Here’s my RESULTS from when I did the program in 2016

Every time he’s done this cleanse, he’s lost anywhere from 15-23 pounds during the 3 week program.  So during our walk, kinda out of the blue but really after thinking about how much happier he would be if he was healthier, I told him that I’d do the Ultimate Reset with him after I finished my last week of my Barre program…which is this upcoming week!

Why did I commit to this?

Well, here’s the thing…we usually do this once a year but I really don’t enjoy the process.  Its A LOT of meal prep. Like a lot!   So I told him…that I’d commit to do this with him IF he would help me with the meal prep.  Since we both work from home now…me still my coaching business and him with this Real Estate career…(find him HERE if you’d like him to help you buy/sell a home) he agreed to help with meal prep with the understanding that I needed to ASK for help! I am soooo guilty of not asking for help!  He went on to say that as a guy, he doesn’t think to help out as much as he should because he’s so accustomed to me just taking care of everything.  I’m sure you ladies out there can relate!  So I said ok!

We’re gonna do it!

So I got home from our walk, jumped on the computer and ordered our kits! I figured the sooner we start, the better. I’m still not super excited about doing it, but what excites me more than anything is that he’s looking forward to it!

We know the power of this program and I’m just so grateful that there is something that he is willing to do that will change his life…because man, I just can’t get him on board with doing my home workouts on a consistent basis!!  LOL

Wish us luck…we plan on starting on March 2nd…as long as we get our kits in time. Otherwise it will be as soon as we get them!  I’ll be updating my blog at least weekly with our progress!!
