- 1 pound ground turkey or lean ground Beef.
- 1 small can tomato sauce
- 3 good size handfuls of quick cooking oats
- 1 egg
- 1 small diced onion
- Approx 1 T of Mrs Dash’s Tomato Basil Garlic Seasoning (or whatever seasonings you’d like)
- cooking spray
Preheat oven to 375. Combine all ingredients EXCEPT for about 1/4 of the can of tomato sauce (which will be put on top later) Make sure its all mixed really well.
From here you can do one of several things:
1. make them into meatballs and cook for about 15-20 min.
2. divide into muffin cups (if you’re running short on time…since they only take about 20 min)
3. Put entire mixture in a loaf pan thats been coated with cooking spray. Bake for approximately 45-50 minutes. Remove from oven and top with the remaining tomato sauce and continue baking for about 10-15 more minutes.
4. Divide into approx. 4 or 5 bell peppers that the top has been cut off and the seeds cleared out. Got our Bell Peppers at Costco! Gotta love that place! Cook these for about 45-50 min as well (this is what I did tonight!) I will admit…they took longer than I thought they would to cook and my kids were not fans! Even my oldest who typically loves meatloaf, did not have any interest in this! Oh well, more left overs for us!
Either way you make it you can serve with regular mashed potatoes (cauliflower mashed potatoes if you’re cutting back on carbs) and your favorite vegetable or salad!

Meatloaf Stuffed Bell Peppers
When my kids turn their nose up to something, I’m not the mom who will make them a separate dinner. I used to when they were younger and thinking back…I should have probably just made them eat or go hungry. I think when you’re in the the heat of the moment, you really don’t think of the long term consequences. Live and learn I guess! But now that they are getting older (my girls are 12 and 10 now), I tell them that if they don’t like what I make, they are welcome to have a superfoods shake or make their own dinner. They generally take the shake option! Which makes me totally happy because I know they are getting a couple servings of fruits and veggies as well as pre/pro biotics and tons of other healthy stuff in just one shake! #momwin